πΊπ For the Throne:
A Vegan Game of Thrones Viewing Party
April 15, 2019

It was finally time for the Season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones! And it was time to completely nerd out. And have a vegan Game of Thrones feast with all the bells and whistles.
My weekend was full of prep and running around… and then festivities. Here it is in pictures!

My flyer… it was just ideas then.
Meanwhile, in Apartment Stark

Of course I would have to protect my beautiful couch from food, drink and excitability. I covered it in plush layers of old stage curtains. Also draped in curtains were my kitchen counter, dining table and entry table. Basically any place that would hold Game of Thrones decoration.

Unlike in the trial of the Seitan Frey Pie, I made seitan from scratch for the pie. And I got to say that this made the pie a thousand times more delicious. I used Miyoko’s recipe for Unpork from the Homemade Vegan Pantry, one of my most favorite cook books. For real, everything I have ever made from it has been perfection.

Seitan: The Other White Meat

All ground up with some place to go… in the Frey Pie!!

I browned them up in the cast iron. True story: I need two hands to move the pot. Note to self: work on upper body strength.

I also added in radish along with the carrot, turnip, parsnip, and onion. And the fantastic coconut oil-sage dough was perfect as it was in the trial (where the recipe is). It is easy to work with and yields a delicious, flaky, buttery crust.
Next, Sansa’s Lemon Cakes. After the trial cupcakes taught me I best better-candy the lemons, I embarked upon cakes that would make Sansa drool with giddiness.

How pretty they turned out! But I best keep moving!

Because I was kind of more excited about the White Walker cupcakes! I had no trial for these ones and so many ideas… but tragedy struck my first batch as I dropped all of them onto the kitchen floor as they sat in their carrier… Another note to self: rearrange fridge stuff to fit oversized items when oversized item is not in your left hand.
The second batch, safe and secure.

Marshmallow meringue for the kiss of fire from the Dragon
I also made The Wall of ice (cake) because the recipe had overflow and I didn’t want to do math…

Cupcakes on The Wall

Back to Apartment Stark, my dragon eggs were going to be avocados, but I thought pineapples would be a better bet. Here they are before I trimmed their tops. Oh, I was having fun with the small details!

Like the salted Direwolf bread at the door for easy giving to my friends upon arrival. (This after my nerdy friend told me about this ancient tradition in so many cultures. “The Guest shall be welcomed with Bread, salt and heart”.) Also, my signage… official hashtag and how the “Queen” and “King” of the viewing party would be named…

The Queen would be the guest who receives this secret message from Margaery of House Tyrell. It would be on the back of a rando napkin in the pile of napkins.

The “King” would get the moron son finger in the Seitan Frey Pie.
I made a bunch of Direwolf breads given the bread, salt and heart tradition.

How cute are their faces?
Coolin’ wolves

The Dothraki Horse Hearts set up nicely but really weakened as they sat in the refrigerator waiting for Sunday evening… more on them later.

So of course I had to dress up… and it would be my Queen Daenerys whom I would honor. Starting with make-up. Here’s something I do: I run out of a make-up thing, but I wait to replace it until I have a reason to have a full make-up application at Mac. Because it’s free with a purchase of make-up! I am not good at doing make-up and always have some nerdy reason to get dressed up, so it works out well.

Don’t mind my very messy bedroom. I threw a bunch of stuff in there to help tidy the celebration space. I kind of liked being a blond!

It was time! And here is a look at the full spread…

My guests arrive in Winterfell. Can you see us?

Did I mention the White Walker Punch? I used DuBouchett Blue Curacao to make Blue Lagoon and the called it White Walker punch. And it matched my dress

That time I ate the Horse Heart…

I had some more fun with photoshop. Almond milking the occasion. And that’s a wrap. After looking at all I created, I don’t want to go on about how I was disappointed in the season premiere. But I am hoping things get a bit better than episode one. π¬

See the trials and recipes for this Game of Thrones Vegan Feast by clicking the red links below.
https://www.veganvictuals.com/april-come-she-will-%F0%9F%90%89game-of-thrones-preparation-seitan-frey-pies/ https://www.veganvictuals.com/april-come-she-will-%F0%9F%90%89game-of-thrones-preparation-hot-pies-direwolf-bread/ https://www.veganvictuals.com/april-come-she-will-%F0%9F%90%89game-of-thrones-preparation-sansas-lemon-cakes/ https://www.veganvictuals.com/april-come-she-will-%F0%9F%90%89game-of-thrones-preparation-dothraki-horse-hearts/