π Happy New Year to Me
Blue Mountain Vista Observatory
October 21, 2020

As I am wont to do, I spent my birthday far away–far from obligations to others and doing exactly what brings me joy. This joy will be the subject matter of the next posts as I packed my itinerary so full of wonder–battling the year’s chaos, upheaval and misery. It’d be a Happy New Year for me if I have any say in the matter! Starting with a stop in Annandale, New Jersey for some vegan pizza. Because self-care is all about multi-faceted sustenance.

Juniper Hill‘s vegan pie captures the simple perfection of pizza–their own pomodoro and fresh basil on a dreamy wood-grilled crust topped with shaved avocado slices. Thank goodness no packages. I smelt that hot pizza in a box smell like an air freshener as I traveled in Pennsylvania.

Finally on the motel bed, my first well-earned slice.

I didn’t even get out of my work wear and I was chowing down. Requisite motel selfie to document the passing of another year.

I had some hours to kill before trying my luck at capturing the Orionids Meteor Shower a little before dawn.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I stopped at Vegan Treats in Bethlehem to get some birthday cake to chow down on while my camera’s remote shutter program did its thing. I had hope that would soon be dashed.

But you’re either winning or learning in life. Here’s what I learned: don’t count on an astronomy field in the mountains to have predictable weather; at the very least glance at the weather before driving through thick and scary fog in the pre-dawn hours for the longest 33 minute drive within curves and weaving that the locals get angry at you for not knowing, as communicated by tailgating you the entire way; and cake makes things better–temporarily at least.

Here is Blue Mountain Vista Observatory at in the twilight hours. A nice open field.

The narrow drive leads to a residence. Then I decided that I wanted a residence with a astronomy field I’d open to the public. In fact it’d go quite nicely with all my other Phase 2 goals.

Stargaze seating

So here is the sky, covered in thick, moist fog. Above it, the meteor shower’s peak activity. With so much moisture in the air, the few shots I took looked eerie–with pink and green unknown light sources.

I was bummed that weather had thwarted another meteor shower attempt–but also kind of amused. There’s a humility one needs to have when embarking upon hobbies that rely on nature. A reverence to the wonders of the sky means you respect that it isn’t not in your control. At least that’s what I told myself as I prepared to chow down on my birthday cake.

Halloween colored funfetti

Car Seat Headrest sang on the way back to the motel, fittingly, I know there’s a full moon every night; It’s just not always bright.
But it’s there.