。・:*:・゚Angels Descending・:*:・゚
Vegan Angel Food Trials
May 1, 2020

This Angel Food Cake trial below is over 10 years old, but ranks #5 of my most popular posts to date! Since there are so many who still look at it, I feel I owe another, and perhaps better, attempt…
Yes, vegan Angel Food Cake has been a quest of mine for quite some time. But perhaps with time the recipe angels will shine upon this brand new attempt care of Spoonful of Kindness (Isn’t that angelic?) As I type this it is cooling… so I don’t want to jinx it. To follow, a photo step-by-step. But for all the steps and detail, check out Ana’s recipe.
Making granulated sugar a bit more refined… Like macarons, this cake has to do with texture. Powdered sugar is not going to cut it.

Aquafaba means I made another chickpea curry… Cream of Tartar and a big whopping Tablespoon of vanilla

The whipped aquafaba with the sugar incorporated and chickpea flour mostly incorporated 👀

Folding in the flour

Ready for the oven… the color is right

Out of the oven and it is kinda looking like Angel Food Cake! So let’s keep looking because we may be disappointed when I take it out of the pan.

Instead of the 3 hours of cooling, I got antsy and got it out of the pan after 1.5 hours. It was a bit tricky getting it out as the outer skin is a bit gummy. Just take your time.

I decided to take a bunch of pictures in case I ruined it getting out of the pan.

It’s out! It had a better rise than I expected based on Ana’s recipe.

Ok, commence photoshoot number 2.

It was difficult to cut. It was light and yummy, especially with coconut cream and berrie.

So glad it worked out! I would definitely consider this Angel Food Cake!

The angels are singing. They got their cake.

[…] Here’s more curry. I needed to again use the chickpeas from the aquafaba I needed for the Angel Food cake. I made it again to utilize more Misfits produce later on and get rid of this entirely too creamy […]